Chat Support Balance: Optimizing Phone and Live Chat

Optimize phone and live chat with Chat Support Balance. Achieve seamless customer support. Learn more now!

Jon Tucker
CEO HelpFlow
Chat Support Balance: Optimizing Phone and Live Chat

Phone support is a valuable channel for customer service as it allows for delivering an excellent customer experience. However, it is also the most difficult customer service channel to scale effectively. Achieving the right chat support balance alongside phone support is crucial for optimizing customer service operations and meeting the needs of a diverse customer base.

While so many brands hide behind email tickets and make it hard to call them, this is not your only option If you’re struggling to scale phone customer service. By finding the right balance between live chat and phone for customer service, you can provide a real-time awesome customer experience without all the challenges of scaling a phone team.

At HelpFlow, we provide 24/7 LiveChat and customer service teams for over 100 e-commerce stores. In this post, I will walk through how to balance chat and phone in your customer service operations to get customers what they’re looking for. A fast real-time, solution-driven customer service experience.

Let’s get into it...

Chat Support Balance: Customers Don’t Want Calls, They Want Real-time Solutions

When customers reach out to your customer service team via phone, it's typically because they seek clarity or resolution for their order, and they are concerned that email communication may take too long. Maintaining a proper chat support balance alongside phone services ensures that customers have access to efficient and effective support channels tailored to their needs and preferences.

The problem here is that their sense of urgency and frustration rise if they can’t reach you on the phone or if they have to sit on hold waiting for your team to finish up with other calls. Phone starts to work against you unless you offer hold times of seconds, not minutes.

Although email is a channel, it is nowhere near fast enough for customers that need help quickly. Phone is not the only option. In running live chat well and offering it as often as possible, you give customers another easier way to get the real-time help they are looking for.

I won’t dig into details here on how to run live chat for customer service but there are a few key things to make sure you get it right:

  1. Don’t use pre-chat forms. Customers should just simply click the chatbox, ask a question, and get connected to someone on your team. Chat is easier than the phone. Don’t add friction to the experience with forms.
  2. Respond in less than 10 seconds. It’s OK to take some time to look up information about their order, but the first response time is critical to get it right. Once you reach 10 or 12 seconds, the visitor will start to feel like they’re not going to be able to get a solution and they may take up the phone to call.
  3. Be available nights and weekends. Depending on your business, 50% or more of your traffic and revenue will come outside of business hours. In having a chat team available nights and weekends, you give visitors an easy way to get answers to their questions even though they weren’t able to break away from their own workday to call your team.

All of this ensures a really strong customer experience through the chat channel.

Share Chat As A Resource In All Customer Experience

Once you've fine-tuned your chat process, you can begin to prioritize it in all your customer interactions. This approach will encourage customers to view it as a primary channel for customer service, thereby reducing your call volume while still delivering an excellent customer experience. Striking the right chat support balance ensures that customers have convenient options for resolving their queries and issues efficiently.

Here are a few key places to emphasize chat call to action :

  1. Make chat clearly available on the website without using a pre-chat form.
  2. Callout chat as a resource on order confirmation pages so customers are aware of where to go for any questions that come up.
  3. Include a direct chat link in order confirmation emails and status update emails. This will bring down your call volume that gets triggered from some of these emails.
  4. Instead of prominently displaying your phone number across the header of your website or in confirmation emails, guide people to a support page that emphasizes chat support while also ensuring the phone option is visible. This approach maintains visibility for phone support while encouraging customers to engage with chat as a primary means of communication, contributing to a balanced chat support approach.

All of these options will drive people to live chat as an initial customer service channel. As long as you do a killer job on the chat, you’ll be able to provide a real-time customer service experience without the hassles of so many phone calls.

What’s next?

For some brands, it’s important to have a direct connection to the customer and that means not hiding behind the helpdesk. But as you scale, it’s not sustainable to have phone as the primary customer service channel.

Hopefully this has sparked some ideas of how to leverage chat on your team to provide a great customer service experience in a more scalable way.

If providing a great customer service experience 24/7 is something that aligns with your brand values, reach out to us at We provide 24/7 live chat and customer service teams to over 100 e-commerce stores. Our process for learning the business is bulletproof, and we’d be happy to have a chat about working together.

Your Store Needs a 24/7 Live Chat Team

HelpFlow can drive sales by having our team of human agents available on live chat 24/7 to predict and save abandons before they happen, proactively reach out and engage with visitors via SMS and email after they abandon, and by answering visitor questions live on your website to convert visitors.

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