Map Out Your 12-Week Action Plan To Gain Clarity On How You Can Achieve Your Business Goals


We all set goals in life, or at least we should.  But sticking to those goals is tough.  In business, you probably experienced something similar.

Setting strong goals as a team that aligns with your company’s vision is doable using certain goal-setting frameworks and getting better at them over time. Once you have a goal, executing and achieving that goal can be easy if you take the time to plan out the entire process and have a way to check-in and adjust over time.

This template will help you map out the entire plan and this will give you clarity on how you can achieve the outcome that you want for your business.  Some tips to consider:

Make sure each week is a “S.M.A.R.T.” step — Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely.  Something that can be considered “done or not done” at the end of the week.

Steps should be quantifiable.

This template will definitely guide you in mapping out your entire plan to achieve the outcome that you desire in 12-weeks. Click below to download the template.

Who created the 12-Week Action Plan Template? Jon Tucker is the CEO and founder of HelpFlow. HelpFlow is a 24/7 done for you live chat team helping 100+ eCommerce stores drive more sales. Over 5 years with HelpFlow and 10 years before that running marketing for fortune 500 ecommerce brands, Jon has seen the inner workings of how to drive massive conversion rate increases in ecommerce.

Ready to grow your company? Get in touch today!